
This page provides GWB usage instructions. GWB uses two directories input and output, located in your $HOME account (system-mode) or in $HOME/GWB<version>/GWB/ (standalone mode). In system-mode, you can reset the original setup using the command:

$ cp -fr /opt/GWB/*put ~/

Directory setup#

The two directories have the following content and functionality:

Directory: input: all your (Geo)TIFF input images will go here

  • backup: backup copies of all parameter files. This subdirectory may also be used to temporarily store images that should be excluded from processing

  • splitlump: empty directory where GWB_SPLITLUMP results will be saved

  • GWB module-specific parameter files

  • two sample GeoTIFF images: example.tif and clc3class.tif

  • readme.txt: information on file content and usage

Directory: output: empty directory where GWB results will be saved

  • resulting images/statistics

  • log.txt: a log-file with information on the batch process

Input data: All GWB modules require categorical raster input maps in the (Geo)TIFF format and of data type unsigned byte (8bit), with discrete integer values within [0, 255] byte. The three sample images in the directory input are:

  1. example.tif: 0 byte - Missing, 1 byte - Background, 2 byte - Foreground

  2. clc3class.tif: 1 byte - Agriculture, 2 byte - Natural, 3 byte - Developed

  3. gscinput.tif: [0, 100] byte - grayscale data, 255 byte - Missing


  • GWB is designed to apply the module-specific settings of the respective parameter file to all tif-images placed in the directory input

  • Use the subdirectory input/backup to temporarily store images that should be excluded from processing

  • In system-mode only, you can use custom locations and names for the directories input and output provided the input directory contains the required files

  • The module-specific results will be written into the directory output or into the directory input/splitlump for GWB_SPLITLUMP

Example of the GWB setup in the user account ~, or $HOME.

$ pwd

$ ls output/
$ ls input/
backup/              splitlump/           readme.txt
clc3class.tif        example.tif
acc-parameters.txt   dist-parameters.txt  frag-parameters.txt
gsc-parameters.txt   lm-parameters.txt    mspa-parameters.txt
parc-parameters.txt  rec-parameters.txt   rss-parameters.txt
sc-parameters.txt    spa-parameters.txt   splitlump-parameters.txt

$ less input/readme.txt
- GWB will process all images from the folder 'input' having the suffix: .tif

Parameter files: *-parameter.txt
- please do not delete these files
- modify only the settings at the end of the file enclosed by *****

Directory backup: not needed for processing
- a set of backup parameter files is included here
- temporarily store images here that you want to exclude from processing

Directory splitlump: empty, will contain the output of GWB_SPLITLUMP

Usage Instructions Overview#

To get an overview of all GWB modules enter the command: GWB

          GWB: GuidosToolbox-Workbench
     Part A: brief module description
cmd-line image analysis modules from GuidosToolbox
Usage of GWB implies compliance with the conditions in the EULA_GWB.pdf

   Display installed and current program version
   and test for program updates
   (Automatic updater for Debian systems: '/opt/GWB/tools/')

GWB_ACC: Accounting of image objects and area classes
   Requirements: 1b-BG, 2b-FG, optional: 0b-missing,
   optional: 3b-special background 1, 4b-special background 2
   Parameter file: input/acc-parameters.txt

GWB_DIST: Euclidean Distance and Hypsometric Curve
   Requirements: 1b-BG, 2b-FG, optional: 0b-missing
   Parameter file: input/dist-parameters.txt

GWB_FRAG: user-selected custom scale fragmentation analysis
   Requirements: binary or grayscale map (see frag-parameters.txt),
   Parameter file: input/frag-parameters.txt

GWB_GSC: GraySpatCon analysis of attribute adjacency table
   Requirements: categorical map within [0b, 255b]
   Parameter file: input/gsc-parameters.txt

GWB_LM: Landscape Mosaic
   Requirements: 1b-Agriculture, 2b-Natural, 3b-Developed
   optional: 0b-missing
   Parameter file: input/lm-parameters.txt

GWB_MSPA: Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis
   Requirements: 1b-BG, 2b-FG, optional: 0b-missing
   Parameter file: input/mspa-parameters.txt

GWB_PARC: Landscape Parcellation index
   Requirements: [1b, 255b]-land cover classes, optional: 0b-missing
   Parameter file: input/parc-parameters.txt

GWB_REC: Recode class values
   Requirements: categorical map with up to 256 classes [0b, 255b]
   Parameter file: input/rec-parameters.txt

GWB_RSS: Restoration Status summary
   Requirements: 1b-BG, 2b-FG, optional: 0b-missing
   Parameter file: input/rss-parameters.txt

GWB_SC: SpatCon analysis of attribute adjacency table
   Requirements: categorical map within [0b, 255b]
   Parameter file: input/sc-parameters.txt

GWB_SPA: Spatial Pattern Analysis (2, 3, 5, or 6 classes)
   Requirements: 1b-BG, 2b-FG, optional: 0b-missing
   Parameter file: input/spa-parameters.txt

GWB_SPLITLUMP: Cut/process/merge buffered stripes of large images
   Requirements: categorical map within [0b, 255b]
   Parameter file: input/splitlump-parameters.txt

More details in the module-specific parameter files, or run: GWB_XXX --help

     Part B: usage
a) system mode (GWB installed in /opt/GWB/):
   To get started in system mode, copy the input/output directories to
   your $HOME folder using the command: cp -fr /opt/GWB/*put ~/
   To process, add the full path to your input and output directory:
   GWB_ACC -i=$HOME/input -o=$HOME/output

b) standalone mode (within $HOME/GWB<version>/GWB): ./GWB_ACC
   Note: standalone mode requires using the existing directories:
   $HOME/GWB<version>/GWB/input           as the input directory and
   $HOME/GWB<version>/GWB/output          as the output directory
   To process, ensure you are in $HOME/GWB<version>/GWB, then run:

     Part C: processing requirements
RAM requirements depend on amount/configuration of image objects, the selected
module and processing settings, and the image size: imsizeGB = xdim*ydim/1024^3

a) On multi-user systems you may not have full access to the available RAM
b) The peak RAM usage factors below are indicative only.
c) The log-file will list: imsizeGB, ~ RAM requirements, peak RAM usage

Approximate peak RAM usage factors for an image of size imsizeGB:
GWB_ACC  : 30 * imsizeGB
GWB_DIST : 18 * imsizeGB
GWB_FRAG : 20 * imsizeGB
GWB_GSC  :  5 * imsizeGB
GWB_LM   :  9 * imsizeGB
GWB_MSPA : 20 * imsizeGB
GWB_PARC : 22 * imsizeGB
GWB_REC  :  2 * imsizeGB
GWB_RSS  : 20 * imsizeGB
GWB_SPA  : 20 * imsizeGB
GWB_SC   :  5 * imsizeGB
GWB_SPLITLUMP: shell-script, no RAM required

Example: input image 50,000 x 50,000 pixels -> imsizeGB = 2.33 GB.
Processing this image for GWB_ACC will require 30 * 2.33 ~ 70 GB RAM

Online manual:

It is also possible to use the “help” option, for example: GWB_ACC --help

$ GWB_ACC --help
1) System mode - you MUST specify custom directories:
GWB_ACC -i=<your dir_input> -o=<your dir_output>
-i=<full path to directory 'input'>
    (with your input images and parameter files)
-o=<full path to directory 'output'>
    (location for results, must exist and must be empty)

2) Standalone mode - fixed directory setup:
cd into: $HOME/GWB<version>/GWB
then run the command: ./GWB_ACC
Note: standalone mode enforces using the default standalone
- input directory: $HOME/GWB1.9.5/GWB/input
  (with your input images and parameter files);
- output directory: $HOME/GWB1.9.5/GWB/output
  (location for results, must exist and must be empty);

other cmd-line options:
--help: show cmd-line options
--nox: enforce headless execution via xvfb-run
--version: show GWB version number


When used for the first time, please accept the EULA terms. This step is only needed once.

Additional, general remarks:

  • The directory output must be empty before running a new analysis. Please watch out for hidden files/folders in this directory, which may be the result of an interrupted execution. The safest way to empty the directory is to delete it and recreate a new directory output.

  • GWB will automatically process all suitable (Geo)TIFF images (single band and of datatype byte) from the directory input. Images of different format or that are not compatible with the selected analysis module requirements will be skipped. Details on each image processing result can be found in the log-file in the directory output.

  • GWB is written in the IDL language. It includes all required IDL libraries and the source code of each module, stored in the folder: /opt/GWB/tools/source/.

  • To list your current version of GWB, or to check for a potential new GWB version, please run the command GWB or:

    $ GWB_check4updates
  • Any distance or area measures are calculated in pixels. It is therefore crucial to use maps in equal area projection. Conversion to meters/hectares require knowing the pixel resolution.

Available Commands#


Please only amend the settings at the end of the module-specific parameter files input/<module>-parameters.txt within the section marked with *******. A wrong setup of this final section will crash the module execution. If in doubt, consult the respective backup file input/backup/<module>-parameters.txt.